Gameday Logistics

Gameday Logistics


Arrive at Sasquatch Wallows

Faction Drivers may start arriving at Sasquatch Wallows. We have a limited amount of parking on the farm so be sure to register as a Faction Driver and let Sasquatch know the number of militia minions you're bringing. This information, prior to gameday, helps Sasquatch plan a successful game and ensures a place for you to park.


Pre-Op Briefing

Be geared up and ready to get loud then gather around Sasquatch to pray for safety, take the Mountain Man Oath, divide into factions, and be briefed on the basics of gameplay.


Game On

Factions will hike to their designated bases where they will receive their first intelligence briefings, ration supplies, and develop a gameplan. Then its time to deploy to accomplish your mission and win the game.


Gameplay Ends

Decisions were made . . . people died . . . time to hike back to the homestead and reminisce.


War Stories and BBQ

After the hike back to the homestead, join Sasquatch and friends to tell your war stories over a pulled pork sandwich and drinks. Be prepared to answer to Sasquatch for your conduct on the battle field.


Turns Out Sasquatch is Anti-Social

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