Mountain Man Cult: First Blood – Gameplay Walkthrough and Analysis

Sasquatch // May 31 // 0 Comments
Sasquatch is Anti-Social . . . But Sharing is Caring

The dozen young men that showed up for the Mountain Man Cult: First Blood walked away thinking to themselves:

Even Sasquatch wasn't exactly sure what happened.

So Sasquatch walked the farm with PT and Augie to talk about how the First Blood gameplay was designed in an attempt to figure out why the Militia Minions made the decisions they did. 

This walk through should also be helpful for those that are thinking about coming out to Sasquatch Wallows for Mountain Man Cult: Into the Wild on June 24.

This family friendly militia airsoft simulation is designed to make you think, because Minds are for People who Think.

The following are the instructions and intelligence drops that the militia minions received in the order they should have been discovered. 

Mountain Man Cult: First Blood

A recluse Mountain Man is reportedly causing trouble at Sasquatch Wallows, he goes by the alias “Sasquatch.” You must venture into the forest to locate and determine Sasquatch’s intentions.

Follow your local Mountain Man guides, Porter and August, down Shakedown Street to Second Switchback where you will receive additional orders.

First Switchback

Sasquatch Says - LOL . . . I can’t believe you fell for this!

Second Switchback

Choose a General for the Patriots.

Patriot General

Choose 1/4 of the militia minions to become Patriots under your command and plant your flag to create a re-spawn point.

Send the unselected militia minions down Shakedown Street to the Crossroads.


Mission: Capture or kill Sasquatch.

In order to achieve its mission, Patriots are entitled to collect the following taxes:

  • 10% of ammo for any creek crossing.
  • 25% of any ammo stash found.
  • 50% of ammo from anyone establishing a homestead on the other side of the creek.

Patriots may proceed with their mission in 10 minutes.

The Crossroads

Elect a Governor of the Oregonians.

Oregonian Governor

Plant your flag at The Crossroads to provide a spot for your militia minions to re-spawn.


Mission: Maintain the peace while ensuring all of Sasquatch Wallows is put to its highest and best use.

Intelligence: There is a rumored ammo stash near the root-ball of a giant downed Red Cedar in between Wild & Free and Logger’s Landing.

Governor of Oregon

There is much fertile land in the creek valleys that has not been developed. Determine who is willing to explore and settle this wild land. Then choose half of your militia minions to establish an Oregonian homestead at Logger’s Landing. Have them search near the burned out tree and old tank for an intelligence stash.

Logger’s Landing

Choose a Head of the Homestead.

Head of the Homestead


Mission: Maintain your homestead at Logger’s Landing at all costs.

Intelligence: There is an ammo stash near the bottom of Addie’s Lucky Charms at the roots of the downed trees on the way to Dead Fall Point.

Addie’s Lucky Charms

Intelligence: It is rumored that the Patriots are leaving their base at Second Switchback unattended. Take their flag and they won’t be able to re-spawn.

Intelligence: It is rumored that there is an ammo stash on the High Road near the point overlooking the falls below McElligot’s Pool.

News Flash

Tired of being heavily taxed and wanting to be friends with the divinely ordained Lord of Sasquatch Wallows, The Oregonian Homesteaders at Logger’s Landing have declared independence and established the Mountain Man Cult at Logger’s Landing. They will do anything to protect their new homes. But laws must be enforced.

Will there be liberty or will there be death?

About Sasquatch

Sasquatch (aka Kevin M. Anderson) is a Swineherd Philosopher Theologian, Esq. He is the head swineherd raising pigs and engaging in shenanigans at Sasquatch Wallows, a director of his local Classical Conversations Challenge B program, a commissioned Colson Fellow, and a criminal defense lawyer at Prodigal Law.
