Pre-Op Intelligence – Mountain Man Cult: Team America

Sasquatch // July 21 // 0 Comments
Sasquatch is Anti-Social . . . But Sharing is Caring

Mountain Man Cult: Team America

Sasquatch is expecting around two dozen militia minions to join him tomorrow, Saturday, July 22, 2023, in the forests of Sasquatch Wallows!

Airsoft is more fun with more people to shoot, so if you know someone who would enjoy tomorrow’s shenanigans . . . kidnap them and bring them along . . . or just forward this email to them.

Pre-Op Intelligence

10:30 - Arrival and Load Out

Plan to arrive with your fellow militia minions in the back of your local War Lord’s Toyota Hilux . . . your Dad’s Lexus will work too.

GPS Coordinates:

Latitude: 45.5947

Longitude: -123.2605


56650 NW Old Wilson River Road

Gales Creek, OR 97117

PREPARE YOUR LOAD OUT and get ready to head into the woods. Don’t jack around or you will be left behind!

LOAD OUT ESSENTIALS - airsoft rifle, BIODEGRADABLE BBs, eye protection, hiking boots, water, and snacks if you need them. Plan on carrying all of your gear and supplies you want on your person during gameplay as we will not be returning to the homestead until gameplay ends or someone dies.

HELP EQUIP THE NOOBS - we may have a couple of players that want to get into the game, but don’t have the proper airsoft gear. If you have an extra gun that you’re willing to let someone use, please bring it. Sasquatch Says your generosity is greatly appreciated and will be rewarded!

11:00 - Pre-Op Briefing

Sasquatch will go over the basic rules of gameplay and detail the Mountain Man Cult: Team America scenario.

PAY ATTENTION or you will end up wandering lost through the woods naked and afraid; just ask the Gales Creek Originals that were present for Mountain Man Cult: First Blood.

Some of the boys below didn’t make it out alive!

11:00 to 14:30 - Team America Gameplay

Do what Sasquatch Says, gather intelligence, and accomplish your missions.

Nota Bene: MINDS are for People who THINK

While the rules of engagement are up to each Mountain Man and his faction, you must obey what Sasquatch Says or you will experience Sasquatch’s wrath.

14:30 - De-Brief and BBQ

For those that survive, hike back up to the homestead to enjoy some much needed nourishment in the form of BBQ while reliving your epic war stories.

Who knows, you may even discover you learned something through this Applied Apologetics for Alphas experience.

E-mail any questions you may have to

About Sasquatch

Sasquatch (aka Kevin M. Anderson) is a Swineherd Philosopher Theologian, Esq. He is the head swineherd raising pigs and engaging in shenanigans at Sasquatch Wallows, a director of his local Classical Conversations Challenge B program, a commissioned Colson Fellow, and a criminal defense lawyer at Prodigal Law.
