Step 2 - Dialectic - Ask Questions

Dialectic refers to logical, critical thinking. 

This often manifests as asking good question about a subject to better understand it.

Ultimately, the goal of dialectic is to practice thinking through ideas and situations to understand the truth of something. 

In other words, dialectic is all about asking questions prefaced with "why" and "how" rather than "what." 

Such as:

Why do pig farmers cut the balls off of boars to make barrows?

"Boar Taint"

Sasquatch thinks Boar Taint is BS. 

He leaves the balls on his boars.


  • Avoid Castration 
  • Grow Faster
  • Impregnate Gilts and Sows
  • Boars will be Boars


  • Birthday Castration Party!
  • Slower Growth
  • Can't Reproduce
  • "Improve" God's Creation


God created pig's in two flavors, male and female. Most pig farmer's try to change God's pig flavors by cutting the balls off of their boars to create barrows. However, changing God's creation to avoid an old wives tail isn't worth the cost.

Plus, it's not like the barrow can now identify as a gilt and become a sow.

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