Sasquatch School: Inculcate a Classical Christian Worldview

Sasquatch // July 20 // 0 Comments
Sasquatch is Anti-Social . . . But Sharing is Caring

As we sat around the table after Mother's Day dinner, my mother asked what I was going to do with all of my free time now that I have a year off after three years of directing a Classical Conversations Challenge program.

Well, I have an idea . . . 

Welcome to Sasquatch School!

Inculcating a Classical Christian Worldview Through Applied Apologetics for Alphas. 

Ideas have consequences;

Bad ideas have victims;

Minds are for people who think;


Bacon is proof Jesus loves you and wants you to be happy!

25+ Years in the Making

Early on during my freshman year of college, I learned the most important lesson of my life:

Cognitive Dissonance Kills.

From that time forward, I set out on an intellectual journey to eliminate cognitive dissonance from my philosophy of life. After becoming a father, my focus changed to being able to explain the meaning of life to my Generation Alpha children. Being a slow learner, it took me decades and dozens of dead ends to realize that the only philosophy of life that doesn't require cognitive dissonance, is a Classical Christian "CC" Worldview.

Why did it take me so long to come to this realization when I was raised in the church by believing parents? Sadly, it took so long because Americans don't know the Truth. Only 37% of pastors and a miniscule 6% of Americans hold to a Biblical worldview. 

Sasquatch School Course Catalog

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill classroom—this is an adventure where Sasquatch, our resident Swineherd Philosopher Theologian Esq., a.k.a. Mr. A, attempts to edify Generation Alpha with a Classical Christian "CC" Worldview education based on lessons from his silvo-pasture pig ranch in the forests of Oregon’s Coast Range.

Sasquatch School is an immersive educational experience for Christian homeschool parents and their Generation Alpha children through a unique fusion of classical education, scriptural exploration, and an understanding of our place in God's grand story. And yes, there will be pigs because:

Bacon is proof Jesus loves you and wants you to be happy!

Pig Paddock Practicum
Alphas know how to learn anything.

Step into the pig paddock with Sasquatch as he explains Classical Education. Walk through the three steps of the Trivium as you learn basic swineherding biology.

  • Grammar - Define terms: gilt, sow, farrowing, piglets, boar and barrow.
  • Dialectic - Ask questions: Why do most pig farmers castrate their boars to make barrows?
  • Rhetoric - Argue for Truth: A castrated boar becomes a barrow, never a gilt or a sow.
Holy B.S.
Alphas prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.

Assume everything you have ever been told in your life is bullsh*t. What can you prove is true? I can only prove three things. And they are axiomatic. 

  • Axiom No. I - Mr. A is going to die. 
  • Axiom No. II - Mr. A does what he wants.
  • Axiom No. III - Mr. A is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad person.

Those three axioms lead to only One Conclusion: Only God can save Mr. A.

Classical Christian "CC" Worldview 
Alphas know how they fit into God's story.

Bible Basics Bootcamp - Develop a working framework of God's grand story through Creation, the Fall, Redemption and Restoration.

A World of Worldviews - Explore the various answers to life's great questions: Where did I come from? Who am I? Why am I here? How should I live? Where am I going?

Swineherding Sasquatch 
Alphas exercise their dominion over the Earth. 

Explore the ethical questions and lessons learned after a lawyer suffers a mid-life crisis and heads into the forests of Oregon's Coast Range to raise pigs the way God intended, by letting pigs be pigs. 

Mountain Man Cult 
Alphas will lay down their lives for their friends.

This isn’t just an academic exercise. It's a call to action. Enter the forest and fear Sasquatch in our family friendly airsoft battles. Each man must decide who he will obey. Our lessons will challenge you to draw red lines and enforce them . . . even if it means death.

Sasquatch "Conspiracies" 
Alphas are not taken captive by philosophy and vain deceit. 

Learn to debate and defend the truth as we explore various conspiracy theories. But beware, the ultimate Sasquatch Conspiracy is that the world is controlled by an elite Satanic death cult.

Homework is Due on Wednesdays

Sasquatch is not only the world's hide and go seek champion, he is also a world class procrastinator. I need deadlines. Homework is due on Wednesdays . . . 

About Sasquatch

Sasquatch (aka Kevin M. Anderson) is a Swineherd Philosopher Theologian, Esq. He is the head swineherd raising pigs and engaging in shenanigans at Sasquatch Wallows, a director of his local Classical Conversations Challenge B program, a commissioned Colson Fellow, and a criminal defense lawyer at Prodigal Law.
