Adventures in Watering Pigs in the Forest

Sasquatch // December 7 // 0 Comments
Sasquatch is Anti-Social . . . But Sharing is Caring

Whether you’re raising pigs in a hog barn, outdoor lot, pasture, or in the woods of Oregon, you need to provide them with fresh water. Getting fresh water out to our Glory to God Hogs can be an adventure. Watch the video to see how we are currently watering pigs in the forest.

Moving water around in the forest is an interesting endeavor. Our first version of watering pigs was the simplest and most fail proof; just get a few water pans and fill them up with water. Prior to getting the side-by-side I would fill 5 gallon buckets and walk them to where the pigs were. This worked well for a few pigs that were in paddocks right next to the house. However, once the paddocks moved away from the house and the pigs demanded more water as they grew and multiplied, we knew we needed a better solution.

With the side-by-side we can now store water for the pigs in the forest. We’ve been using 55 gallon barrels to both transport the water and store it in the forests near the pigs’ water pans. We put a barrel in the back of the side-by-side and fill it up with water from the well. Then we transport it to a holding tank near where we are watering and feeding the pigs. Due to things going sideways, as they usually do around here, we’re currently using water pans in the weaners’ paddock. Meaning 2-3 times a day I need to go fill up their water pans manually with a bucket from the stored water.

Yes, we have worked on automated systems, but we haven’t perfected those yet. In the video you will see one of our first attempts at an automatic water system. We simply put pig nipples on the barrels. This does work. However, the barrels leak where the nipples are installed. This is apparently a typical problem. We have tried multiple types of bulkheads and sealers to no avail. Probably because when a 300+ pound pig is chewing on the pig nipple the barrel is going to flex and leak.

But Sasquatch isn’t deterred. He continues his attempt to fail forward. Follow along on Rumble or Facebook to see more adventures in watering pigs in the forest.

Be sure to also check out the Butcher Block go get our delicious natural, ethical, and sustainable pastured pork.

About Sasquatch

Sasquatch (aka Kevin M. Anderson) is a Swineherd Philosopher Theologian, Esq. He is the head swineherd raising pigs and engaging in shenanigans at Sasquatch Wallows, a director of his local Classical Conversations Challenge B program, a commissioned Colson Fellow, and a criminal defense lawyer at Prodigal Law.
