The Savory Sasquatch: Bratwurst and Oktoberfest Sausages

Sasquatch // May 28 // 1 Comments
Sasquatch is Anti-Social . . . But Sharing is Caring

Welcome to the first installment of The Savory Sasquatch, where Sasquatch will explain how to cook and prepare your premium pastured pork from our Glory to God Hogs

I’m not afraid to say that our public school system has failed recent generations. One of the primary reasons Sasquatch homeschools his children is because the “education” received from the government is so appalling that the cooking directions on a package of bacon now read as follows:

Cooking Bacon

God bless America and God bless Mrs. H for suggesting The Savory Sasquatch as a way to educate our children and customers on preparing pork the Sasquatch way (i.e. so easy a lawyer turned pig farmer can do it).

With Memorial Day weekend here, you may be thinking of easy meals to enjoy while remembering the sacrifices made by prior Americans that allow us to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

One of the easiest meals to throw at your tribe of little hooligans are sausages; specifically, Bratwurst or Oktoberfest.

Sausage Packages

The great thing about Bratwurst and Oktoberfest is that you can pull them out and start cooking them while they are frozen solid. However, from frozen you will need to boil the sausages prior to pan frying or grilling. This will result in a lot of grease escaping the casing, which will cause your sausages to become dry. 

Note: the Oktoberfest sausages are cured and cooked, so you only need to warm them up before eating. The Bratwurst are raw, so they must be cooked to temperature (USDA suggests 160F).


STEP 1: Unwrap the sausages and cut them apart.

STEP 2: Place frozen sausages in boiling water for 7-8 minutes.

Boiling Sausages

If you’re like my girls and don’t like “crispy” food, you can go ahead and eat the Oktoberfest sausages now (the Bratwurst will probably need 2-3 more minutes).

If you’re a normal human being, you’ll want to achieve the Maillard Reaction and Caramelization in a cast iron pan or on the grill.


STEP 4: Heat pan or grill to medium or medium-high. Cook sausages to desired level of golden brown deliciousness (5-8 minutes) while turning frequently.

If you’re a gunner like Mrs. H and actually planned ahead for dinner, you can take your thawed sausages and start at Step 4. Simply cook for an additional 5 minutes (10-15 minutes total) to ensure the internal temperature reaches 160F.


Enjoy with sauerkraut and mustard, with or without a bun, in God’s creation, before your dog steals the deliciousness. 

If you’re wondering where to get your hands on our premium pastured pork, you simply Join the Family as a Swineherd.

About Sasquatch

Sasquatch (aka Kevin M. Anderson) is a Swineherd Philosopher Theologian, Esq. He is the head swineherd raising pigs and engaging in shenanigans at Sasquatch Wallows, a director of his local Classical Conversations Challenge B program, a commissioned Colson Fellow, and a criminal defense lawyer at Prodigal Law.
