Supply Chain Issue Sale

Sasquatch // October 20 // 0 Comments
Sasquatch is Anti-Social . . . But Sharing is Caring

Supply Chain Issue Sale





Whole Hog

  • Whole Hog Share
  • ~110 – 130 lbs. Cut Pork
  • Only ~$6.25 per. lb. (est.)
  • Free Delivery in PDX
  • Satisfaction GUARANTEE
  • Delivered in Time for Holiday Meals



Half Hog

  • Half Hog Share
  • ~55 – 65 lbs. Cut Pork
  • Only $7.50 per lb. (est.)
  • Free Delivery in PDX
  • Satisfaction GUARANTEED
  • Delivered in Time for Holiday Meals


Sasquatch Satisfaction Guarantee

Terms of Service

Tomahawk Chops

Sasquatch is facing some supply chain issues.


Sasquatch’s freezers are full, but the butcher has more pork for him to pick up now. A plethora of hogs need to go to the butcher ASAP because our typical whole field pea feed supply has gone dry. To make matters worse, the replacement feed resulted in a 40% price increase. And of course Oregon is locked down because: COVID.


Help Sasquatch solve his supply chain issue while solving your own by stocking your freezer with Premium Pastured Pork.

Let's Go Brandon

About Sasquatch

Sasquatch (aka Kevin M. Anderson) is a Swineherd Philosopher Theologian, Esq. He is the head swineherd raising pigs and engaging in shenanigans at Sasquatch Wallows, a director of his local Classical Conversations Challenge B program, a commissioned Colson Fellow, and a criminal defense lawyer at Prodigal Law.
