Luke and Leia Have a Bad Feeling About This

Sasquatch // October 29 // 0 Comments
Sasquatch is Anti-Social . . . But Sharing is Caring

Mountain Lion Print

Luke and Leia say they have a bad feeling about this!

During morning chores I was walking Shakedown Street and noticed this print in between First and Second Switchbacks. It’s not a dog or coyote print because there are no nail prints. It’s too big for a Bobcat. So it must be a small mountain lion.

Hopefully this one doesn’t cause the same havoc that the mountain lion caused last year.

Read More about that adventure in Mountain Lion Kills a Pig – Holy Shit!

Update: I’ve been taking the dogs around the property fairly regularly so they can mark their territory, hopefully keeping the mountain lion away. So far it’s working as I haven’t seen any new signs of the mountain lion.

Luke and Leia at Beaver Flats
Luke and Leia on Poop Hill

About Sasquatch

Sasquatch (aka Kevin M. Anderson) is a Swineherd Philosopher Theologian, Esq. He is the head swineherd raising pigs and engaging in shenanigans at Sasquatch Wallows, a director of his local Classical Conversations Challenge B program, a commissioned Colson Fellow, and a criminal defense lawyer at Prodigal Law.
