Prodigal Law at Sasquatch Wallows

Sasquatch // March 1 // 0 Comments
Sasquatch is Anti-Social . . . But Sharing is Caring

Feel free to say “I told you so,” but I’ve discovered that being a pig rancher in the forests of Oregon’s Coast Range . . . just doesn’t pay the bills like it should.

As such, I’m returning, like the prodigal that I am, to the practice of law.

But this broke pig rancher needs some funds to get the new Prodigal Law office at Sasquatch Wallows up and running before it becomes the cash cow of Kevin’s investment portfolio.

So please consider donating to our campaign . . .

or at least visit and share our information with someone that may be blessed by Christian legal aid with worry FREE fees . . .

and pray.


Legal Services

Prodigal Law will provide legal services in areas that Kevin is passionate about and willing to fight for, including, but not limited to:

The Church – Prodigal Law will tackle any legal issue facing a church, ministry, or individual so they can concentrate on spreading the love of Jesus.

Small Business – Owning and running a small business in Oregon involves a lot of legal nonsense. Legal issues can sink a small business. Prodigal Law can help with regulatory compliance, contract negotiations, employment issues, and litigation.

Farm to Table – Oregon’s farm to table culture runs through Sasquatch’s veins. Prodigal Law will help with any legal issues getting in the way of feeding Portlandia.

Education – Our children deserve a great education, not indoctrination. Prodigal Law will fight for your student’s educational rights in public, private, and home-schools.


Worry FREE Fees

The final clause of the Pledge of Allegiance states: “and justice for all.” Unfortunately, it’s a lie. Normal people and struggling small businesses can’t afford lawyers. Many are simply priced out of the justice system. Today, it’s justice for the rich.

The average lawyer in Oregon charges $250 an hour. I was charging more than that as a baby lawyer 10 years ago. If I was still in private practice, I would be charging transportation companies an absolute minimum of $295 an hour today.

The entire legal services pricing structure is ridiculous.

But God calls us to bear one another’s burdens, speak up for those in need, love mercy, and seek justice.

As such, Prodigal Law will provide legal services with worry FREE fees. All fees will be billed market rates, however, these fees will be collected by crowdfunding through GiveSendGo. If we don’t collect the legal fees billed, oh well. Prodigal Law will still represent those that need help regardless of their ability to pay.

We trust the Lord will allow us to collect enough legal fees to prevent the Anderson family from declaring bankruptcy and living on the streets of Portlandia with our pet pigs.


Spot Sasquatch $29,500

As stated, being a pig rancher doesn’t pay the bills like it should. So, I’m asking you to help bear my burdens by contributing to the launch of Prodigal Law at Sasquatch Wallows.

Our campaign goal of $29,500 is equivalent to one month’s legal fees.

That’s right, if I was currently practicing law, I would have $29,500 in revenue in March. Most lawyers bill 150+ hours a month, but I’m a slacker and like to spend time with my kids and pigs, so I will likely only bill 100 hours at a $295 hourly rate.

While most lawyers would take that $29,500 of monthly revenue, pay overhead, and pocket the rest, it’s actually enough to keep this train wreck from going completely off the rails for SIX MONTHS.

Between now and the end of August, Prodigal Law will use these funds to establish a law office (just paying bar dues and obtaining malpractice insurance costs $4,000 that this pig rancher doesn’t have), hold legal aid clinics, and begin working cases.

Hopefully, with your prayers and support we will be able to build Prodigal Law at Sasquatch Wallows into a sustainable enterprise.

So please consider donating to our campaign . . .

or at least visit and share our information with someone that may be blessed by Christian legal aid with worry FREE fees . . .

and pray.

Keep fighting the good fight!

Kevin M. Anderson

About Sasquatch

Sasquatch (aka Kevin M. Anderson) is a Swineherd Philosopher Theologian, Esq. He is the head swineherd raising pigs and engaging in shenanigans at Sasquatch Wallows, a director of his local Classical Conversations Challenge B program, a commissioned Colson Fellow, and a criminal defense lawyer at Prodigal Law.
