Sasquatch Shenanigans – Shirt Designs

Sasquatch // March 26 // 0 Comments
Sasquatch is Anti-Social . . . But Sharing is Caring

Sasquatch loves coming up with ideas for stupid t-shirts. 

Unfortunately, Sasquatch never learned to draw. 

Help Sasquatch bring his t-shirt dreams to life. 

Check out Sasquatch’s shirt ideas below and submit your design concepts. 

If Sasquatch loves your design and wants to use it, he’ll compensate you with your choice of pork or cash.

Oregon Swineherd

Let’s Go Bacon . . . and Brandon – A simple design based upon our Oregon Swineherd shirt. However, only Sasquatch and Bacon will appear with Sasquatch saying “Let’s Go Bacon” and Bacon thinking “and Brandon.”

Sasquatch, Pig, and Cross – A re-creation of the cowboy classic, but with a Sasquatch twist. A cross in the middle with a pig on the left and a kneeling Sasquatch on the right. 


Luke & Leia – Lightsaber Colors Matter – Luke and Leia are our 150 pound Akbash livestock guardian dogs. They along with our black labrador Dixie (aka Vader) roam Sasquatch Wallows protecting everyone from mountain lions. Each has a flourecent green, blue, or red collar respectively because Lightsaber Colors Matter.

Portland Prodigal – Sasquatch’s take on the iconic Portland Oregon Sign with Sasquatch instead of Rudolf representing as the Portland Prodigal from Sasquatch Wallows.

Portland Oregon

Kevin’s Bacon – Someone finally pointed out the obvious, that I should call my bacon “Kevin’s Bacon”. Ingenious. I’m completely ashamed I didn’t think of this myself. If this can be tied in with Kevin Bacon’s greatest movie ever, Tremors, that would be great.

Boars will be Boars – My philosophy on raising pigs is to let pigs be pigs. That means we have boarlings running around, not barrows. They love to wrestle and see who has the biggest . . . anyway, some of their anatomy is very visible from the back and side. 


About Sasquatch

Sasquatch (aka Kevin M. Anderson) is a Swineherd Philosopher Theologian, Esq. He is the head swineherd raising pigs and engaging in shenanigans at Sasquatch Wallows, a director of his local Classical Conversations Challenge B program, a commissioned Colson Fellow, and a criminal defense lawyer at Prodigal Law.
