Intro: What would you say you do here?

Sasquatch // February 20 // 0 Comments
Sasquatch is Anti-Social . . . But Sharing is Caring

If you’ve looked around the website and read a few things, you know that I want to be a pig farmer. I want to raise pigs naturally, sustainably, and ethically to bring Glory to God. You also know that I go on rants about philosophy, theology, law and politics.

Which leads to the inevitable bottom line question of:

I’ll keep it really simple:

First, I’m trying to think through and set forth a logical systematic personal philosophy and theology of life, which I refer to as Christian Anarcho-Capitalism. (n.b. This is a personal philosophy and theology of life; I’m not saying or implying that everyone should, must, or can abide by Christian Anarcho-Capitalism).

Second, I want to be an example to my children of how to live an examined moral life. I do not believe “do as I say, not as I do” is an effective way of teaching my children, or any person for that matter.

Third, I’m trying to live in accordance to Christian Anarcho-Capitalism by raising and selling pigs.

Fourth, as Socrates states: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” I expect objections and challenges to my philosophy, theology, and how I’m living it out. But that is a good thing. Objections and challenges will only clarify my philosophy and theology of life.

Finally, you’ll notice that I don’t take myself very seriously. That is because I fully acknowledge I don’t have everything figured out and I like to laugh.

PLEASE READ THE DISCLAIMER, which can be summarized as follows:

About Sasquatch

Sasquatch (aka Kevin M. Anderson) is a Swineherd Philosopher Theologian, Esq. He is the head swineherd raising pigs and engaging in shenanigans at Sasquatch Wallows, a director of his local Classical Conversations Challenge B program, a commissioned Colson Fellow, and a criminal defense lawyer at Prodigal Law.
