Sasquatch is a Commissioned Colson Fellow

Sasquatch // May 14 // 0 Comments
Sasquatch is Anti-Social . . . But Sharing is Caring

Gain Wisdom

Live Faithfully

Act Courageously

The Gospel isn’t a formula you apply to your life; it’s the Story you’re meant to inhabit. The Colson Fellows program provides a deep dive into Christian worldview and becoming the kind of believer who understands how creation, fall, redemption, and restoration all go together to form the only true Story of the world. And then live it here and now.

For the past 10 months Sasquatch has been honing his worldview knowledge through the Colson Fellows program and last night he was commissioned along with the seven other Colson Fellows in the Portland, OR Cohort!

Somewhat unbeknownst to me, part of the Colson Fellows program is developing a teaching practicum and three year mission plan in order to live out the Gospel in the here and now. For those of you who have been around here for a while, you would likely think that I'm already doing this. However, I was challenged by the Colson Fellows program to dial in my ideas on who I will be able to impact given the place and time God has put me into this world. 

"Unfortunately," God has put me in a time and place where I can indoctrinate a bunch of 8th grader Christian homeschoolers.

As my Classical Conversation's community knows, I've been on a worldview kick with my students over the past year. It's been a blast discussing these heady theological and philosophical questions with them. Now that I've experimented on children that are not my own, it's time to fully develop a "Classical Conversations "CC" Worldview" devotional program I plan on indoctrinating my own children with next year in Challenge B. And since all of the boys in my class next year love playing airsoft, we're going to have some real life application of worldviews and their consequences while playing airsoft in the forests at Sasquatch Wallows with the Mountain Man Cult. 

Sasquatch highly recommends that everyone that desires to gain a better understanding of how we are supposed to live as Christians once we get to a Romans 10:9 saving faith enroll in the upcoming 2023-2024 Colson Fellows program. More information can be found at:

About Sasquatch

Sasquatch (aka Kevin M. Anderson) is a Swineherd Philosopher Theologian, Esq. He is the head swineherd raising pigs and engaging in shenanigans at Sasquatch Wallows, a director of his local Classical Conversations Challenge B program, a commissioned Colson Fellow, and a criminal defense lawyer at Prodigal Law.
