November 24, 2021

New Shelter for BaconBacon’s herd had been washed out of their current shelters. I took a break in the rain today to put up a new

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November 24, 2021

Turkeys in the Rabbit MeadowI succeeded in leading the turkeys down to the Rabbit Meadow. Now I need a feeder down there so they will be

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November 23, 2021

Walking TurkeysI’m trying to get the turkey flock to stay down closer to the creek. So today I walked them down past Tassels’ farrowing nest.Read

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November 11, 2021

Tassels has had a rough time with her third litter of piglets. See Tassels’ Third Litter. However, she is one of our favorite pigs and she

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November 8, 2021

We learned a lot and had even more fun at our first piglet dissection at Sasquatch Wallows. We had seven middle schoolers participate. Sasquatch started by

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