November 6, 2021

Tassels gave birth to her third litter of piglets. Unfortunately, Tassels nested the night before and I wasn’t able to find her in the dark while

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November 5, 2021

With larger herds this winter I’m going to need larger shelters for the pigs. I’m experimenting with making larger shelters by simply stringing up tarps in

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November 4, 2021

Moving pigs is a lot of work. Once they jack up a paddock (see Silvo-Pasture Fall Seeding – Before and After), they either move to a

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November 2, 2021

Last winter we used straw in the pigs shelters. The straw works well as bedding for the pigs to snuggle up in during the wet and

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October 31, 2021

Pigs can do some serious damage to land if left to their own devices. But in order to change the regrowth forests to be more conducive

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